2014年4月2日 星期三

Protests Won’t Undermine Taiwan’s Reputation #服貿 退回影響國際聲譽 日媒:純為誤導

Protests Won’t Undermine Taiwan’s Reputation

Claims that the Sunflower Movement will hurt Taiwan’s ability to join regional trade pacts are misguided.

In fact, states do often renegotiate treaties and usually there is a mechanism for such a procedure embedded in the treaty. The consequences are rarely as grave as is now being claimed. Ireland did not became an international outcast when it failed to approve the Lisbon treaty in a 2008 referendum and the Nice treaty in a 2001 referendum. In both cases, negotiations were opened again, changes were made and both treaties eventually entered into force.

In addition, the argument can be made that other democracies do understand the complexity of the ratification process, especially when it comes to free trade (or free trade-like) agreements. It is also likely that other governments would recognize that agreements with China are different than Taiwan’s dealings with other governments. The United States would hardly stop promoting Taiwan’s Trans-Pacific Partnership membership just because Taipei failed to ratify the CSSTA with China, nor would the failure to ratify the treaty deter Japan from entering into negotiations with Taiwan. In other words, Taiwan’s deals with China are not a reliable benchmark for measuring Taiwan’s reputation. It is hard to think that Taiwan’s partners are not aware of this.

Naturally, Beijing would hardly be pleased if CSSTA were ratified with some major changes. Likewise, it is certainly not pleased by the emergence of a civic movement that crosses party lines and aspires to hold the government accountable. This is especially true because Taiwan’s movement appears to be seen as a model in the increasingly restive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which Beijing is already struggling to control. If (and only if) the Sunflower Movement succeeds in pushing CSSTA back to the negotiation table, Beijing will face a certain dilemma: if it appears to retaliate, it will only confirm that protesters were right to suspect sinister intentions. Moreover, any future arrangement between Taipei and Beijing will be under very close public scrutiny. Maybe it is, after all, a better option for Ma (and Beijing) to appease public opposition and return to the negotiation table.




  1. 尼斯條約(Treaty of Nice),全稱修改歐洲聯盟條約、建立歐洲各共同體諸條約和某些附件的尼斯條約(Treaty of Nice amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts),為歐盟歷史上的一個重要條約。2001年2月26日,歐盟會員國領導人正式簽署尼斯條約。2003年2月1日,尼斯條約正式施行。主要內容有,規定歐盟委員會委員數須少於27名;在歐盟理事會表決票數分配上,規定了按成員國人口數目分配表決票數的基本原則,此外擴大了「有效多數制」的應用範圍,以提供歐盟決策效率。
  2. 里斯本條約,又稱改革條約,是歐盟用以取代《歐盟憲法條約》的條約。里斯本條約已經在2007年12月13日為所有歐盟成員國簽署,並於2009年12月1日正式生效。里斯本條約旨在調整當前極需變革的歐盟在全球的角色、人權保障、歐盟決策機構效率,並針對全球氣候暖化、天然能源等政策,以提高歐盟全球競爭力和影響力。
  • 本文僅供客觀參考,並不代表本站立場
本文節錄自日本《The Diplomat 外交官》雜誌 (報導亞太區域趨勢前線的國際時事)

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