2014年3月4日 星期二

Oscar Winner Matthew McConaughey: 'Nobody Wanted to Make' Dallas Buyers Club # 2014奧斯卡影帝馬修麥康納:沒有人想拍《藥命俱樂部》

For Matthew McConaughey, who won in the Best Actor category for his role in Dallas Buyers Club, the Oscar was just icing on cake. “No one wanted to make this film,” he told Parade.com backstage. “It got turned down 137 times. So after we took it on, getting it done seemed like an accomplishment.” 對於剛以《藥命俱樂部》角色獲得最佳男主角的馬修麥康納而言,奧斯卡金像獎其實只是額外的獎賞。「沒有人想拍這部片。」他在後台訪問中告訴Parade.com:「它被拒絕了137次。 所以在我們開拍後並順利完成,這似乎是一種成就。」

Looking back on his journey to being taken seriously as an actor McConaughey said, “In 1992, I was working on Dazed and Confused. A few weeks into it, my father passed on, but he’d seen me starting my career. That’s what I was thinking when I talked about him tonight. I took a couple years off and I came back to work on things I really wanted to do and it feels good to be fulfilled in the making of this movie.”

McConaughey also talked about how he explains his career to his children. “We’re trying to teach our kids that poppa goes to work to play make believe and that poppa can be in more than one place at one time–here and on the screen,” he said. “Mostly we’re trying to show that if you work hard and do good work, you can be rewarded for it.” 麥康納還談到如何向他的子女解釋他的職業。「我們正嘗試讓孩子們了解爸爸的工作是假裝,而且爸爸還會分身術,同時在這裡又在螢幕上。」他說:「我們主要是要教導他們,如果你肯努力並把工作做好,你就會得到回報。」

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