2014年3月3日 星期一


What exactly did he mean by all that?


After winning for his role as Ron Woodroof in Dallas Buyer’s Club, Matthew McConaughey launched into a semi-bizarre tale about his inner life.

在他以《藥命俱樂部》中Ron woodroof的角色拿下影帝後,馬修麥康納揭露了一個關於他內心的半異想世界。

Here is what we learned:


1. He needs someone to look up to, something to look forward to and someone to chase.


2. He wants to thank God, who he looks up to. God is all about gratitude.

他要感謝他所景仰的上帝。 一切都要感謝上帝的恩惠。

3. He wants to thank his family, who he looks forward to. His deceased father, he believes, is celebrating with a big pot of gumbo and a can of Miller Lite. His mother, still with us, taught him how to respect himself.

他要感謝他的家人,令他朝思暮想的人。 他相信他在天上的父親正在吃一大鍋秋葵湯配一瓶米勒淡啤酒為他慶祝。 而仍在他身邊的母親則教導他如何自重。

4. The person he chases is himself, 10 years into the future. He knows he will never catch up, but he wants to find out who that guy will turn out to be.

他想追隨的則是十年後的自己。 他知道永遠不會追上,但他想知道十年後的自己是什麼樣的人。

5. To all of that, he says “Amen,” ”Alright, Alright, Alright” and “Keep on Livin’.”


註:”Alright, Alright, Alright” 及 “Keep on Livin’.”是馬修麥康納在出道作品《年少輕狂》(Dazed and Confused, 1993)所說的台詞

其中”Alright, Alright, Alright” 是在此部電影中,亦是他從影以來所說的第一句台詞

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