2014年3月2日 星期日

Russian parliament approves use of troops in Crimea 俄國議會通過對烏克蘭動武決議

Russia’s upper house of parliament voted unanimously to approve sending Russian military forces into Ukraine, amid mounting tensions in the country’s Crimea region. The vote followed a request from Russian President Vladimir Putin for approval to send troops into Crimea to normalize the political situation there.
在克里米亞緊張情勢持續升溫中,俄國議會經投票表決一致同意派遣武裝部隊進入烏克蘭。此表決為因應總統普亭要求許可讓軍隊進駐克里米亞以使其政治情勢恢復正 #Crimea #Russia
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