2014年3月15日 星期六

Most Shocking Second a Day Video # 史上最感人的"一年365秒"縮時攝影(中英字幕)

The moving clip starts with a child celebrating her birthday and follows her moment by moment as war and conflict develops in the UK.

The hard hitting clip shows London being turned into a war zone where rockets are fired at buildings in broad daylight and children wear gas masks.


The powerful video ends with at moving shot of the young girl celebrating her birthday once again.


After the video finishes the message appears: "Just because it isn't happening here doesn't mean it isn't happening."


The video was produced by Save the Children to highlight the Syria crisis and how such a scenario could affect Britain.

影片由Save the Children慈善機構製作,目的是為了突顯出敘利亞目前仍在發生的危機,並讓民眾了解若事件發生於英國會是什麼景象。http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/463272/Save-The-Children-Shocking-second-a-day-video-shows-how-UK-child-would-be-affected-by-war

以下是Save the Children官網內容:



It may not be happening here but in Syria the horror portrayed in our latest video is all too real. Three years of civil war has devastated the lives of an entire generation of children. It's cost the lives of more than 11,000 children and turned more than 1 million into refugees. It has subjected them to trauma, indiscriminate shelling and even torture.


這種縮時蒙太奇拍攝手法是目前國外流行的“second a day "videos,將一年的生活紀實濃縮於一天一秒的片段拼貼。


We’ve all seen these “photo a day” or “one second a day” videos before, time-lapse montages that show us the passage of time before our eyes: people having children,conquering long distances, and growing up……


If the video seems overly dramatized, it's worth revisiting the story of actual 7-year-old Dania Amroosh, who was maimed last year when a bomb struck her Aleppo home. Dania Amroosh shows her shrapnel wounds. Amroosh and her family fled to Turkey, joining at least 2.3 million people forced to flee Syria since its civil war began in 2011.

如果覺得這影片太戲劇化,年僅七歲的Dania Amroosh其親身經歷則值得我們回顧。Dania Amroosh於去年在敘利亞阿勒波市的家中遭炸彈攻擊而殘廢,影片中她展示了被炸彈碎片刺入的傷口。Amroosh和家人逃往土耳其,包含他們在內,自2011年內戰爆發後被迫逃離敘利亞的難民至少有230萬人。
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