2014年5月9日 星期五

What I See#P&G寶僑廣告《在我眼中》祝全天下媽媽#母親節快樂(中英字幕)

一名發展遲緩兒童如何在堅毅母親細心照料下成為特奧會運動員?在這母親節前夕,知名企業P&G寶僑重新推出《媽,感謝您》(Thank you, Mom)系列廣告,獻給全天下的偉大媽媽。


《在我眼中》這部催淚動人的廣告由特殊奧林匹克運動會(Special Olympics)運動員Molly Hincka與她的母親Kerry主演。影片中充滿情感渲染力的旁白也是她母親的動人聲線。簡樸又精心設計的廣告採用倒敘手法,從已長大成為傑出運動員的莫莉開始倒轉人生,最後回到母親手中高高舉起的心肝寶貝,影片也結束在這美麗的一刻。

Ad of the Day: It Wouldn't Be Mother's Day Without P&G Making You Weep

Procter & Gamble, the self-described "Proud sponsor of moms," always has something special planned for Mother's Day. Last year, it was the spot with Eunice Kennedy Shriver and Maria Shriver.

The tear-jerker of a spot, titled "What I See," stars Special Olympics athlete Molly Hincka and her mother Kerry, who provides the emotional voice-over. It's simply and nicely crafted, beginning in the present day and traveling into the past through old video footage and photos. It ends on a lovely moment with Kerry holding Molly aloft a baby.


同場加映:Google Glass 的廣告 Seed#愛之種子

這部完全由 Google Glass 拍攝的影片,是由美國南加州大學電影藝術學院(USC School of Cinematic Arts)的學生和校友所製作,屬於Google的Glass Creative Collective計畫之一。這是他們向母親節致敬的方式,「媽,感謝您。」"Thank you, Mom."

This film, shot entirely on Glass, was created by alumni and students from the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts as part of the Glass Creative Collective. It's our way of saying "Thank you, Mom."


The film entitled Seeds which was captured entirely on Google Glass features a man's long journey to his home in India to surprise his mother.
The clip shows a first person perspective of a man packing his things in a bag. His wife handed him a brown envelope to bring along. He then takes a cab, pulls a train card, and rides a train with the brown envelope constantly on his hands.
When he goes inside the home and taps the shoulder of her Mother, the surprise expression on her face is undeniable. They had a heartwarming reunion and feast on the food.He then takes out the brown envelope and gives it to her Mom who is fixing the hanging clothes. His mother turned to tears. He had been carrying a picture of an ultrasound all along.
In an article from Mashable, the 23-year old filmmaker Chaganty revealed that the 2.30-minute film was shot in a span of 10 days in four different locations: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tokyo, and India. He stated: "It was the first introduction to acting I've ever had." He also revealed that throughout the production of the Mother's Day-themed story, he had the same clothes, and a wedding ring.
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