2014年4月13日 星期日

Heartbleed bug makes personal information vulnerable#網路安全遭受重大威脅 "心臟流血"漏洞可能讓你大量失血(中英字幕)

What is OpenSSL?

Let's start with SSL. That stands for Secure Sockets Layer, but it's also known by its new name, Transport Layer Security, or TLS. It's the most basic means of encrypting information on the Web, and it mitigates the potential of someone eavesdropping on you as you browse the Internet. (Notice the "https" in the URL of SSL-enabled sites like Gmail, instead of simply "http.")


先從SSL開始。它代表的是(Secure Sockets Layer)安全插槽層協議,新名稱是TLS(Transport Layer Security)傳輸層安全協議。它是加密網路信息最基礎的方法,並能降低當你瀏覽網路時遭人竊取資料的風險。(網址顯示https而非http為採用SSL加密的網站,如Gmail)

Why is it called Heartbleed?

Heartbleed is a play on words referring to an extension on OpenSSL called "heartbeat." The protocol is used to keep connections open, even when data isn't being shared between those connections.

為何叫Heartbleed ?


How does the bug work?

The vulnerability lets a hacker access up to 64 kilobytes of server memory, but perform the attack over and over again to get lots of information. That means an attacker could get not just usernames and passwords, but also "cookie" data that Web servers and browsers use to track individuals and ease log-in. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, doing the attack repeatedly could yield more serious information, like a site's private SSL key, used to encrypt traffic. With that key, someone could run a fake version of a Web site and use it to steal all other kinds of information, like credit card numbers or private messages.


這項漏洞讓駭客最多可存取64KB的伺服器記憶體,但他可經由反覆攻擊獲取大量資訊。這表示駭客不僅能竊取使用者名稱和密碼,網路伺服器及瀏覽器用來追蹤並幫助用戶登入的"cookie"檔案也可能落入他們的魔掌 。Electronic Frontier Foundation電子前線基金會指出,經由反覆網路攻擊還可能取得更重要的資訊,譬如網站用來加密數據的專屬SSL金鑰。有了金鑰,駭客便可假冒該網站,並竊取其他如信用卡卡號、私人訊息等資訊。

Should I change my passwords?

For many Web sites, yes. BUT wait until you get confirmation from the Web site operator that the bug has been patched. It's a natural reaction to want to change all of your passwords immediately, but if the Web site's bug has not been fixed yet, making the change could be useless -- you're just potentially giving an attacker your new password.


對許多網站而言,是的,但請等到網站經營者通知確認漏洞已修正。立即修改所有密碼確實是自然反應,但若網站漏洞尚未修正,更改密碼也是枉然 - 你只會讓駭客得知你的新密碼。

Should I be worried about my bank account?

Most banks don't use OpenSSL, but instead use proprietary encryption software. But if you're unsure, contact your bank directly for confirmation that the Web site is secure. Still, John Miller, security research manager for security and compliance firm TrustWave, suggests keeping a close eye on financial statements for the next few days to make sure there are no unfamiliar charges.


多數銀行使用專屬加密軟體而非OpenSSL,但如果你不確定,可以直接向銀行確認網站是否安全。不過,安全與規範公司TrustWave的安全研究經理John Miller建議,在未來幾天應持續注意財務報表是否有異常變化。

另外Forbes富比世雜誌和CNET皆提到,可使用如LastPass之類的密碼保險箱(筆者自己也有使用它的Google Chrome外掛,相當推薦,它的官網還提供了Heartbleed檢測器) ,並開啟網站所提供的dual-factor authentication兩段式驗證


事實上,智慧型手機也無法倖免,Digital Trend科技資訊網站提供大家受影響的APP清單:


#網路安全遭受重大威脅 "心臟流血"漏洞可能讓你大量失血(中英字幕)

附註:根據Bloomberg News彭博新聞社報導,NSA美國國家安全局在兩年前早已發現這項漏洞,並利用其監視人民(NSA在去年6月遭前職員愛德華·斯諾登揭露監聽人民的新聞引起軒然大波)。國安局已出面否認。

#網路安全遭受重大威脅 "心臟流血"漏洞可能讓你大量失血(中英字幕)

source 文章來源:http://www.cnet.com/news/heartbleed-bug-what-you-need-to-know-faq/
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