一位來自芬蘭的魔術師,8隻可愛的萌犬,他們之間將產生什麼樣的火花?什麼樣的魔術不僅使物體憑空消失,甚至在近距離成功騙過狗兒的靈敏嗅覺?Jose Ahonen將帶我們一同去發現狗狗不為人知的另一面。
Mentalism is a performing art in which its practitioners, known as mentalists, appear to demonstrate highly developed mental or intuitive abilities. Performances may appear to include telepathy, clairvoyance, divination, precognition, psychokinesis, mediumship, mind control, memory feats and rapid mathematics. Hypnosis may also be used as a stage tool. Mentalists are sometimes referred to as psychic entertainers.心靈魔術是一種藝術表演,表演中心靈魔術師展現出超人般的心智或直覺能力。內容可能包含心電感應、透視術、占卜、預知、念力、靈媒、心靈操控、超強記憶力或是速算。表演過程中也可能使用催眠術。心靈魔術師有時也被稱作特異功能表演者。
在此影片中mentalist應解釋為:a mind reader, psychic, or fortuneteller 讀心術師、特異功能者、算命師
以下為影片作者Jose Ahonen魔術師個人網站中關於他的介紹;
Magician and mind reader Jose Ahonen
Jose Ahonen,魔術師及讀心術師(來自芬蘭)
Magic Takes Over the Stage
Mentalism, magic of the mind, humor, wonders. A performance that lasts about half an hour carries the audience into the mysterious and secret world of magic of the mind. Surprisingly, the assistants selected from the audience are also able to perform wonders!
Jose Ahonen - The Best Magician in Town (City Magazine, 2009)
”The demeanor of Jose Ahonen may resemble that of his American colleagues, but his art was absolutely captivating. The audience consisted of people in the travel and tourism industries, many of whom have seen live performances by American magicians, usually far from the stage. This time the magic walked up close and touched them. A real entertainer and artist like Jose Ahonen is able to enchant his spectators and create an ambience that grips the audience. I recommed this one.”
Jose Ahonen所展現的台風可說和他的美國同行相似,但他的藝術表演確實是迷倒眾生。他的觀眾群來自旅遊觀光業,多數皆已看過美國魔術師的現場表演,但通常為遠景魔術。這一次,魔術將和他們近距離親密接觸。一位像Jose Ahonen一樣真正的表演者、藝術家,能夠使他的觀眾瘋魔,並製造出充滿魅力的舞台氛圍擄獲觀眾的心。在此誠摯為您推薦。
Jose Ahonen所展現的台風可說和他的美國同行相似,但他的藝術表演確實是迷倒眾生。他的觀眾群來自旅遊觀光業,多數皆已看過美國魔術師的現場表演,但通常為遠景魔術。這一次,魔術將和他們近距離親密接觸。一位像Jose Ahonen一樣真正的表演者、藝術家,能夠使他的觀眾瘋魔,並製造出充滿魅力的舞台氛圍擄獲觀眾的心。在此誠摯為您推薦。